morning devotions(Part 1)

hey ppl!! i shall post sth more serious n not abt my life this time..

these few weeks for devotion evey morning, I learnt many interesting things... let me share wif u ppl.. one of the mornings, my school's vice principal did devotion. she asked us this question, are we a thermostat or a themometer? a thermostat is something that sets and maintains the temperature in the room while a themometer is something that takes the temperature. people who change themselves to be in the 'cool' group are ppl or to be accepted are examples of a themometer which follow the temperature in the room. while the people who influences ppl are thermostats which controls the the temperature in the room. the question to us was do we want to be a thermostat or a thermometer? do we want to be someone who influences the crowd or someone who changes themselves just to be accepted in the 'cool' crowd? she also cquoted this verse from the bible, in 1 Samuel 16:7. The Lord does not look at things Man looks at, Man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the Heart.

I hope this would encourage you ppl to be the influences and not the followers! i continue 2moro. muz sleep liao sorry!



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