Lest I Forget

Dear gals!!! It's the 2nd day of the week. Tuesday! Have you gone past your Monday blues. It's a challenging week for most. Joanne has basketball match & twisted her other ankle yesterday...*OUCH* (pray for speedy recovery) Lishan aka Cherissa is going to Australia today! Prissy has two tests this week, Bren Bren needs to PASS her 2.4km run & TaiTai has an important presentation on Friday (Let's pray for one another ya!) I try to set my night for praying.... But I really really struggling to maintain this spiritual discipline. Jia You in Jesus Name!!!!

Ps Khong preached a wonderful sermon about who God is to us this week.
1) God is LOVING & COMPASSIONATE -> Praise Him for His favors
2) God is Loyal & Covenant Keeping -> Praise Him for His faithfulness
3) God is LORD & is in Control -> Praise Him for His Fullness

Let's not take the LOVE of God for granted. How do you reflect Christ out of church? Do we take short cuts? Lose our temper easily? Yell our heads off at our family? Or only come to God when you need His Blessings?

God is a Person. He is like our best friend. How do you think your best friend will feel if you get all you want out of her & then drop her aside when you dun need her. Yes... the feeling stinks & you and I know it.

Let's really get personal with our dear God who loves us so much & desires to be so much a part of our life. Let's not forget God. He's not NTUC - our all time favourite convenience shop...

Let's make an effort to remember Him in every moment of our day.

Remember SP challenged us to share about the goodness of God with our friends this week. Let's also blog it down k! Will be encouraging for the whole cell! =)

ABi: Do homework diligently
Prissy: Dun be a hypocrite to frens
BRenBRen: Dun be a hypocrite to frens
Ellyn: Obey mother when she ask for help
Miriam: Obey parents
Anndrea: Work hard for bosses though .....
Joanne: don't gossip about the juniors. Keep a tight lip & dun let out another bad word!!
Cynthia: Be diligent in work & church :P

*Luv Cynthia


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