"And the 12 are..."

(Knowing me, you are almost right that what probably ensues will mostly be about bball, bball etc. I apologised if it gets boring for you :-) )
I was walking in to school this morning when my bball mate came up to me and we talked. She told me that one of us received news that she will not make the final team.

Me: Huh? Why so sudden?

She: Dont know la, but she cried a little bit..

Me: Oh dear... *thinking*


My at that moment's train of thoughts : Poor girl, why cry....... Now, its 1 out....... 1 never attend trainings....... so 12 peeps left, so........

As if i have only just woken up, realisation took quite long to finally dawn on me.

Me: HUH?! Means we got in?

She: *nodded*

Its like... I dont know how to react to this, but i can only say, i'm not happy about it.

I feel i do deserve some good slapping. I asked God to help me, regretted mine asking him almost immediately, and then, ta-daa! He answered my prayer.

Hmmm, honestly, I dont know what i want. I felt i really needed those training time to revise my work and to reduce the piling stacks of assignments and tutorials. Well well..

Going off to reduce them now =)

Signing off,

First match up against Millenia Institute, coming Monday. *Sighhhhhhhhh*


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