learning, hopefully

"lup, lup, lup right lup. lup, lup"
i hopped, but on the wrong foot.i slapped my hand onto my face with a sheepish smile for the upteenth time.
"aiyo, you got it wrong so many times. act cute ah, brenda?" my senior mentioned, half in jest.

that just did it.

everything was going well at first really, doing somewhat relaxed drills. i kept fumbling, but i always thought it's ok to make mistakes if you learn. then when i was doing a march formation that comment hit me so hard. it was that old 'nostalgic' pain.
my old wound, once so delicately plastered, now ripped open to the cold. alright, spare the drama and the emo factor. maybe my senior was just frustrated that my friend could get it faster. or she could really mean it.
i thought i could take rejection already from last year's incredibly shocking blogging episode. oh well, never underestimate the power of time. i have been praying/complaining to god about all my social troubles lately too.
you know. disagreeing with friends. yada. i guess i simply have a longer way to go.
on the bright side, god has blessed me immensely on my tests. i thought i would fail the bulk of them, but i scored a1s and a2s! like whoa, wow, WHOO! i was like: IT'S A MIRACLE!He helped me get into an audition for something i wanted too. i don't think i'll make it,but still,YAY. then i have been trying to get closer to god. is it working?
truthfully no, i don't think so. i mean being rude to my friends when we disagree isn't all holy. i told them they were bl**** lame for goodness sake. i'm not going to say it was their fault. i'm the christian here and all i can do is swear at them. well what do you know.
i suppose i'll have to try. i think god prefers those who try then those who whine and cry.

still healing,

Is 6.25% a week too much?

*2hrs cell + 2hrs Post Encounter/SOL + 3hrs church = 7hrs
*Total hours a week = 24 * 7 =168hrs
* Total hours a week (excluding sleeping time. Say we sleep 8hrs a day= (24-8)*7 = 112hrs remaining hours of all other business)

7/112 x 100% = 6.25%

You might be wondering what is this calculation about?
I have no idea too.

Joking la. During this week's sermon, Pastor Mervlyn Mak posted all of us a disturbing question. "Is it ok to give God anything less than our best?"

Well, why do i call it a disturbing question?

Because, even i do shortchange God many many times.
Ok, cut the chase.

This week's application: Reflect and think whether the 7 hours is a lot compared to the remaing 112hrs we have and whether we are putting in enough effort in attending cell meetings and church.
Is 7hrs (out of 112hrs) a mere 6.25% of our time for God business so difficult to give compare to the remaining 93.75% that we have for all other business? Think about it.... I'm sure you have the answer.

Signing off,
Jo & Cynthia

Patience, dear.

Had a pretty tiring week so far.

Ever since my injury on Monday, i've been limping painfully every where i go.

Being someone who wants everything to be fast and efficient, i get really frustrated with myself when i find myself overtaken by practically everyone and not getting to places as fast as i used to.

Also, having been to the sinseh, i knew how serious my injury is and that i really should not put too much pressure on it. BUT I'M REALLY REALLY ANXIOUS FOR IT TO HEAL IN 2 WEEKS TIME, just in time for my 3rd match. (I missed the 2nd one, and no way am i going to miss the 3rd one.) And i simply cant stand my snail pace. Oh, took this picture while i was watching the match i couldnt play, though i very much wanted to =( -->>>>>

And yes, i understand how sometimes when a person hurt him/herself, people will naturally be showering more care and concern for him/her. But maybe im just not a big fan of having special attention. Its not as if i'm paralysed! *Touchwood*

This friend of mine, lets call her A, said she wanted to go home with me. Another friend, B, was with me as we are heading the same direction. When i asked A why she would want to go home with me because its just not very convenient for her to do so, A replied, "Because of your ankle la."

Now at this moment, instead of feeling the kind of fuzzy feeling and touched from her reply, i felt angry instead. For goodness sake, i didnt even ask her to do that and she's sounding like she's so obliged to do it. I told her, with a hint of frustration, "No need la, who ask you to do that, seriously you can just go home."

After that, B told me i was being very ingrateful. But to me, i just felt...i dont need the sympathy that i thought A was "radiating". I just dont need the special attention can!?

I was so so annoyed and irritated that i uttered a dirty word under my breathe, which unfortunately, B heard it.

Suddenly, i really wanted the pain OUT of my ankle, i want to walk without the awful limping and climb the stairs without feeling breathless, and STOP sitting out for trainings. I just dont feel like waiting...

It was then, while i was doing some reflection of my own, that i felt really guilty, for shooting down my kind and thoughtful friend and for saying that dirty word. I think God wants me to learn something out of it. And im going to wait and see what He wants to tell me. And i really pray hard that some big big miracle could happen so that my ankle could twist back and be as good as new again.

Signing off,

Lest I Forget

Dear gals!!! It's the 2nd day of the week. Tuesday! Have you gone past your Monday blues. It's a challenging week for most. Joanne has basketball match & twisted her other ankle yesterday...*OUCH* (pray for speedy recovery) Lishan aka Cherissa is going to Australia today! Prissy has two tests this week, Bren Bren needs to PASS her 2.4km run & TaiTai has an important presentation on Friday (Let's pray for one another ya!) I try to set my night for praying.... But I really really struggling to maintain this spiritual discipline. Jia You in Jesus Name!!!!

Ps Khong preached a wonderful sermon about who God is to us this week.
1) God is LOVING & COMPASSIONATE -> Praise Him for His favors
2) God is Loyal & Covenant Keeping -> Praise Him for His faithfulness
3) God is LORD & is in Control -> Praise Him for His Fullness

Let's not take the LOVE of God for granted. How do you reflect Christ out of church? Do we take short cuts? Lose our temper easily? Yell our heads off at our family? Or only come to God when you need His Blessings?

God is a Person. He is like our best friend. How do you think your best friend will feel if you get all you want out of her & then drop her aside when you dun need her. Yes... the feeling stinks & you and I know it.

Let's really get personal with our dear God who loves us so much & desires to be so much a part of our life. Let's not forget God. He's not NTUC - our all time favourite convenience shop...

Let's make an effort to remember Him in every moment of our day.

Remember SP challenged us to share about the goodness of God with our friends this week. Let's also blog it down k! Will be encouraging for the whole cell! =)

ABi: Do homework diligently
Prissy: Dun be a hypocrite to frens
BRenBRen: Dun be a hypocrite to frens
Ellyn: Obey mother when she ask for help
Miriam: Obey parents
Anndrea: Work hard for bosses though .....
Joanne: don't gossip about the juniors. Keep a tight lip & dun let out another bad word!!
Cynthia: Be diligent in work & church :P

*Luv Cynthia

The time was 5pm, and we were on board a bus back to school from the SBC ( Singapore basketball centre).

The whole bus was silent. I was sitting alone right up at the first seat, practically sobbing my eyes off. In fact, judging from the total silence, i dont think i'm the only one doing that.

The boys from the bball team were being very sensible, there's hardly any sound from them.

Our match with MI had ended.


I couldnt sleep the previous night! This match is so important to us, if we were to win this one and the next one, we could get to the second round.

All of us were excused from lessons at 11 (YEA!) since the bus was due to arrive at 11.30. Apparently, everyone was nervous. I tried to boost their confidence by asking, "So where are we going to celebrate after this?" See? I was so sure we were going to win, because we just HAVE to win.

We arrived the place at around 12 plus, and watched the guys play. Boys basketball matches are always more exciting than the Girls. Pace of the game is much faster plus more stunts etc.

Then we went to change into our jerseys =) It was too revealing for me (the side of my sports bra is just...exposed!!), but i couldnt do much about it.

First, 2nd and 3rd quarter of the game, we were leading, not by alot though.
Then we went into the last quarter, dont know what went wrong but they started catching up, still not very enough to lead us, but we made more mistakes too.. Finally, the time stopped. The score was 18-18. Tied.

So the game was extended for 5 more minutes. 3 mins into the game, which was already very crucial and everyone was so tensed up we fumbled with the ball, dribbled and let the ball slipped off and such, I twisted my ankle and fall down. I tried to get up but couldnt. Team-mates came and surrounded me, and this is the part i so dislike. But nvm. Fast forward >>>>>

The last second ticked by, and we lost by 3 points. I was sitting on the bench and staring at that huge timer opposite the court. 00:00. End.

Seeing how hard everyone had given their best, it was difficult to keep myself from bursting into tears. We went and shaked hands with the other team and walked back to the bus.

I noticed the uneasy silence as soon as i got on the bus. As the pain was getting more intense, i just took the first seat, and buried my face in my towel.

It was the longest bus ride of my life. *so drama*

But after that i found out that the bus uncle actually took the wrong route so... yea.

Signing off,

"And the 12 are..."

(Knowing me, you are almost right that what probably ensues will mostly be about bball, bball etc. I apologised if it gets boring for you :-) )
I was walking in to school this morning when my bball mate came up to me and we talked. She told me that one of us received news that she will not make the final team.

Me: Huh? Why so sudden?

She: Dont know la, but she cried a little bit..

Me: Oh dear... *thinking*


My at that moment's train of thoughts : Poor girl, why cry....... Now, its 1 out....... 1 never attend trainings....... so 12 peeps left, so........

As if i have only just woken up, realisation took quite long to finally dawn on me.

Me: HUH?! Means we got in?

She: *nodded*

Its like... I dont know how to react to this, but i can only say, i'm not happy about it.

I feel i do deserve some good slapping. I asked God to help me, regretted mine asking him almost immediately, and then, ta-daa! He answered my prayer.

Hmmm, honestly, I dont know what i want. I felt i really needed those training time to revise my work and to reduce the piling stacks of assignments and tutorials. Well well..

Going off to reduce them now =)

Signing off,

First match up against Millenia Institute, coming Monday. *Sighhhhhhhhh*


Today's sermon is very straightforward and easy to understand, which is why i like it so much!

Especially the part on developing a pilgrim's mindset. Always on the move. Forward-looking and meeting harder challenges. No "stagnant" success. Cool eh =)

OK, This thing about my coach choosing the 12. (Sorry about me keep going on and on about this) I was watching Deathnote when i received this msg from him, " If you received this, you are in the final 14 blah blah.."

Strangely, I feel no excitement or the urge to jump up to celebrate my little "victory". Actually, from what i see, chances of me being selected is quite mild. Honestly, if its not for the sake of my testimonial at the end of my JC years, i would have quit on the account of how this CCA is turning me into a charcoal and robbing me of my sleep. The testimonial part is pretty important, my principal keep emphasizing over and over and over again that we might have a hard time getting into our desired university if the A's results are not that optimistic-looking, and a good testimony might do us good. Like, " OH! What an excellent testimony! So active in CCAs and school activities, noooooooooo wonder the results not that good, ok la, accept her." You know.

And because i know for myself that there really is nothing much to write in my testimonial and a full 2 years membership in a CCA is the least i can do, i cant just quit.

I've also been having trouble catching up with some of the tutorials and homework lately so not being in this tournament can help me to be more focus. PLUS. I REALLY HATE JERSEYS! haa. Imagine baring all the arms and showing the ugly tan lines, EEEEWW.

Going off to complete some stuff.

Signing off,

morning devotions(Part 2)

hey ppl!! i m back..

this is another one of the devotions in the morning. that week, the theme was on courage. another one of our vice principal went up to share with us. he told us this story.

there was a teacher who wanted to test her students to see if they had courage, she placed 3 strands of string in front of the students n asked them to line up in a semi circle round it. she whispered into all the students to raise their hands when she pointed to the the longest string. she stold all of them except one student who she told to raise up his hand when she pointed to the 2nd longest string. the students did as they were told. when the teacher pointed to the 2nd longest string, only one student raised up his hand but when he saw no one else raising up their hands, he quickly withdrew, n put his hand down.

Do we have the courage?? do we have the courage to be different from the rest? do we have the courage to stand up for what is right? if we have some problems in our relationship with our parents or even other ppl, do we have the courage to go make up? when we see ppl cheating in a test do we cheat wif them or do we tell on them?
my vice principal oso gave us a verse.. Proverbs 10:9 The man of integrity walks securely but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.

I hope this would start u all of thinking..

look who's BOSS

gaaahh. lately i've been so EMO i can't take it anymore. i remember how happy and NOISY i always have been and it just irritates me. AW MAN. i really want to be happy again. and i'mALSO SO SORRY FOR ALWAYS BEING LATE. not the most organised and perfect person here, as much as i try to. i remember my mom telling me that it's all in my mind. well i do suppose so. if i manage to get rid of my all-test week blues, forget that i am currently worrying about how i can lose weight while trying to do kids in africa justice and how i will have to go to hell if i don't get close to god, and simply learn how to trust god and take him as a friend, it's all good. this is pretty random, but this is to all the leaders out there.
around 4 years ago i was thinking. who do you work for?
your boss.
your boss works for the government.
your government works for who?
then ultimately, the one who really is the BIGGEST BOSS should be the people, right? partially. yes, leaders should always keep in mind that their power is for them to serve, not to be served. at the same time, the people should keep in mind that the leaders are doing them a service. when you dine at a restaurant and a cook cooks for you, do you say "iiidiot! who asked you to be so NOSY and to serve me? it's my life and i'll get my own food. now go away." no, we should be grateful.
sure, sometimes that cook feels that chips on your dish may be too high in cholestrol and will make you look too sickly to meet jay chou at the concert the next day and removes them, much to your displeasure, but keep in mind that when GOD gives them the power to be in chrage of your 'dinner'. as much as they make stupid descisions like putting peas in ice cream , you should still eat it. all their mistakes will be corrected by the big boss JESUS, and you should not get into trouble yourself by criticising them.
it's easy to say, but difficult to achieve.
i mean look at that teacher. can she be any stupider? she gives me all the wrong homework!
that cca leader can kill! he ALWAYS gives all the wrong instructions!
the principal is BLIND. my skirt is not short ok! neither is my uniform untidy!
my boss hates me. he never fails to pick on me!
such things are really common, and mostly inevitable. have you ever been in a leader's shoes where you have to be perfect in everything and face uncooperative people like you and me? it's easy to be a participant and complain, but to be pulled in all directions is pure toture. i always never did like it when my school imposed harsh rules on uniform and when the leaders muddled up, but now when people criticse and hate me for the same or more reasons, sympathy overwhlems me. a bright way to look at it is that when we are ciricised like that, we learn not to obtain not the approval of man but of god, unless you have really made a mistake.
so the bottom line is, respect you leaders. i don't like to do it too, but even david didn't dare lay a hand on saul although he had all the right to. simply because he knew saul was god's appointed, and god will deal with that bad cook.

after all, jesus is the boss.

morning devotions(Part 1)

hey ppl!! i shall post sth more serious n not abt my life this time..

these few weeks for devotion evey morning, I learnt many interesting things... let me share wif u ppl.. one of the mornings, my school's vice principal did devotion. she asked us this question, are we a thermostat or a themometer? a thermostat is something that sets and maintains the temperature in the room while a themometer is something that takes the temperature. people who change themselves to be in the 'cool' group are ppl or to be accepted are examples of a themometer which follow the temperature in the room. while the people who influences ppl are thermostats which controls the the temperature in the room. the question to us was do we want to be a thermostat or a thermometer? do we want to be someone who influences the crowd or someone who changes themselves just to be accepted in the 'cool' crowd? she also cquoted this verse from the bible, in 1 Samuel 16:7. The Lord does not look at things Man looks at, Man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the Heart.

I hope this would encourage you ppl to be the influences and not the followers! i continue 2moro. muz sleep liao sorry!


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