Come Along, Little One.

Have you heard complaining kids, and ever wondered why they complain so much? (not that I hardly complain, but yes, wondered about it?) The kids will be vehemently complaining or whining about certain things, and Daddy will come in and say firmly, "No more whining. Come along now."

I complain too, but this time it wasn't me, it was my little nephew kid complaining to my cousin.
"You have to go to the dentist, check your teeth! Do you want black teeth? No, right? Besides Auntie Prissy (omg yes they call me that) is also going." My cousin politely rebutted.

In the end, it was a rather successful trip to the dentist, with Jovan coming out happily carrying two massive lollipops as bribes (from my cousin, not the dentist!). Good, strong teeth, what can I say?
Everything our fathers do, ultimately, it is for our own good. I can always envision the Father's hand extended to grab their son's hand to guide them along, or bring them to the right place. Which is exactly how God does things.

"Come along now, son."

"No, I don't wanna!" (whiny kid, haha)

"It's for your own good."

This may be how a conversation between God and a young kid go.
God always does what is best for us, and does things that will benefit us, not harm us. Trust in God and take his hand, believing that He will bring us to the right place, at the right time.
"Cast all your cares on the Lord for he cares for you." -1 Peter 5:7

Things may come and go,
things will always change.
But the one thing that remains constant,
will be the love of God our Father.
We may not understand the things He does,
but whatever He does,
it's for our good.
God may give and take,
be it little ones,
or time-weary ones,
just bear in mind,
He does it for us.


Z said...

my younger brother at 14 still complains to me about how my parents 'mistreat' him. heh.

ahh. poetic license.

once a child
whined, complained, begged
"no i won't go"
"no you must"
he went

once a child
now a teen
wondered, thought, found
"yes it's for good"
"yes i will
the Hand that guided once
a child"

don't know if i'm going against the rules of poetic structure.. aha.. never attended any such workshops before..

Philip. =D

Anonymous said...

good one there. And within a short time span, impressive ;D
Hello, we're all 14 year olds.

Anonymous said...

are u all having a competition? -.-haha! im very tired D:

Z said...

aha. she is. not me. hee. i'm just writing for fun. inspiration.

Philip. =D

Anonymous said...

Nice post prissy :) Sometimes adults whine too u know. hahahhahs

Anonymous said...

haha, i think i'm not ready for the competition yettttt.
omg i'm so scared! ):

Anonymous said...

pris, you complain alot too.

Anonymous said...

i cant help complaining :)

Z said...

for a moment i thought your pokemon would come here. hee.

Philip. =D

Anonymous said...

later they think i'm crazy. and i'll be banned from blogging or something!

Z said...

if they would think so they would have done that long time ago. heh. just kidding. okay, pokemon soon.

Philip. =D

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