Sabbath Keepers Publication! 10 Feb'08‏‏ [Enjoy God's Abundance in Your Life]‏

Dear daughters!

Yea I'm not late this week! Thanks Bel Bel for compiling! This week's sermon does require a little more time to ponder & digest. How is it for you gals?? I definitely will want to discuss more about this with each of you soon.
A brief summary here for you.

How Can We Enjoy God's Abundance (Overflowing Blessings) in Our Life?
1. Trust in the Lord & do Good -> Blessings of Safety (生活平安)
2. Delight Yourself in the Lord -> Blessings of Satisfaction (万事如意)
3. Commit Your Ways to the Lord -> Blessings of Success (前程似锦)

Point 1
In the midst of stormy surroundings in your life (depression, family quarrels, sibling quarrels, stressed up in school/work etc etc) don't fret (心怀不平).The greater injustice & unhappiness you harbour in your heart, the more the devil convinces you that God is unfair, or God dun care about you anymore. RUBBISH! You're definitely tricked!!
What to do then?
REST in the Lord!!! Be still & wait on God patiently. That's how we can be at peace even if bad pplz surrounds us.
To rest in God = To keep on trusting Him & do good

Point 2
Delight yourself in the Lord = "God, the greatest delight in my life is to see You delighted!"
Delighting ourself in God = Denying ourself
Remember that Jesus denied Himself (on the Cross) so that we can be here today enjoying the blessings of God!

Point 3
Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. The worst is to live as a half-hearted Christian. You're going to fall & you won't even know what has hit you......*SO SCARY*

JOANNE: commit everyting to GOD including gambling
PRIS: pray twice a day that the LORD will give her the right attitude for church
CHERISH: dun be self-conscious, care more for others
MIRIAM: pray and ask GOD her not to be self-conscious, EVERYDAY
JANELLE: pray everyday that she would not be self-conscious
CHLOE: pray everyday that she would not be self-conscious in CCA
ELLYN: before making important decisions, pray
BEL: pray that she would be able to surrender everything to GOD
BREN BREN: Not to fret by sharing all my worries to God & trusting He can help me
CYNTHIA: An important sermon, to discuss on "denying ourself" with all of us soon

Luv Cynthia


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