Who else know your panties colour?

I thought this is a wonderful post from EJ. Hey girls enough of me telling you all the time about short skirts and stuff....Hear it from a man himself!

A month ago, I had a rather traumatizing encounter while shopping at a shopping mall. This incident happened while I was traveling up on the escalator. Sited ahead of me, next to the step out point from the escalator, there was a shop brandished with perfumes and cosmetic products. What shocked me at that particular point was that one of the salesgirl, back facing the store entrance and wearing a mini flair skirt, was climbing up on a ladder and stocking up products in the cabinet. She was totally oblivious to the fact that in that position, she was going to almost let everyone around have a free upskirt show!

It didn't need to take supersonic senses for me to understand what was coming next if I were to continue staring for another 10 seconds. Instantaneously as this salesgirl started her climb up the ladder, I immediately turned my eyes away to look elsewhere. Phew! A huge sigh of relief.... (I will explain my point later in this post. Read on.)

Traumatized enough, I wasn't prepare to stay around to spot the "Ti-Ko-Pek"s whom may be drooling at this free view nor see if there were anyone whom would go and get this salesgirl down from the ladder. I zipped off to the next level and carried on with my shopping.

Gosh! What has happened to the dressing culture of the teenage girls of today? Aren't they worried of over (or indecent) exposure when they wear such short flair kind of skirts? Honestly, I have nothing against girls wearing skirt, but I just feel strongly that there's got to be a limit to how far this can go. There has been enough horror stories of molest cases and people using handphone cameras to capture upskirt pictures. I seriously think girls can go one step further to protect themselves by giving their mini-skirts a bit more cloth-lengthening.

To the Girls: Yes, you do have the free-will to wear anything you like. Yes, guys should learn to be more self-controlled and not have wandering eyes. But the truth is that you will do yourselves and the guys a huge favor by re-considering your approach the next time you want to wear those short skirts. You can take active measures to protect yourselves. Example: If you are wearing those mini-skirts, do use you handbags to block or get a friend to stand behind you while you travel up the escalators. and for goodness sake, girls please do not climb ladders when you are wearing skirts. I am sure there are plenty of gentlemen around whom can lend their muscles to help you. Honestly, we guys are all visually stimulated, that slight upskirt/buttline/over-fleshy exposure will trigger a lot of reaction through our mind.

Having said this, Girls, you do not need to wrap yourselves up like a dumpling. Either opt for longer length skirts or learn to take proper preventive measures. I am certain beauty and proper cover up can co-exist.

To the Guys: Now, be truthful and do not just bluntly shift all the blames to the girls. Let's also learn to exercise self-control and respect the ladies. Be alert at ALL times! And learn to turn your eyes away when you expect some of these exposure may come. If you have a girlfriend, learn to share this with your girlfriend and ask her to help give you warning signals! And sometimes if by accident you do catch a glimpse, just turn away and walk off. DO NOT allow yourself to be glued!

Some of you may say, "Wah.. but free show mah, why don't see? Anyway it's not harmful mah!" WRONG! Honestly, how is staring at upskirts of ladies different from watching pornography???? The end results and effects are the same - our values and moral standards towards sexuality becomes eroded! And some may end up becoming perverts whom take upskirt photos as their secret obsession!
So guys, be alert and stay clear!!!


Extremely Concerned Cynthia: Okies I shall come up with my gals version soon :)


Z said...

agreed agreed wholeheartedly. i always complain to people i know about the difficulty in walking up staircases and escalators looking up because you never know what (or who, actually) is up there. and lecture theaters are another of those places where girls in skirts who don't know how to sit properly prominently display their fbt shorts. it's not just about the skirts/shorts, but it's about a girl-consciousness; to be conscious that you are a girl (thank God!) and you should do all you can to protect your own modesty... sensibly. even many adult women DON'T KNOW HOW TO WALK DOWN A FLIGHT OF STAIRS IN A SKIRT so it's good to start learning! haha..

i think it's kinda embarrassing (on the girl's part) if a guy knows more about how to behave as a girl than the girl. i'm sure you don't need people like us to keep reminding you about what not to do when.. haha..

Philip. =]

Anonymous said...

man, if these kind of posts keep up, i really think i'm going strictly all shorts and pants already. maybe someone should invent a special skirt or something.

Z said...


hahahaha nooooooo girls should learn to wear skirts. but sensibly. hahaha i am 120% for the notion that girls should retain a significant degree of girlishness.

Philip. =D

Anonymous said...

Ya girls should still have their unique loveliness :) And I'm not against girls wearing skirts. Just take care of yourself especially when you're wearing short skirts/flare skirts you know :)

Nothing wrong with wearing skirts. *I wear skirts too yea. But *ahem* longer skirts!

Must feel comfortable when you're wearing them lorz. Just dun follow fashion blindly :)

Anonymous said...

i 've always love my bermudas.. haha!
i saw it once when i looked up to the upper floor, qiuckly turned away, kinda felt like my eyes would rot if i looked on any longer.. felt so disgusted with myself..and that girl too!

Anonymous said...

I just feel disgusted with guys after reading that.

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