
Some pictures i found from the school's website =) Its during the blood donation drive


On Thusday, we had a match with the P.E teachers! *WHOA*

I've been looking forward to it all week ever since i knew about it. I never played with teachers before and to my pleasant surprise, this match was organised by them. And its the only chance i can knock them down, or slap their hands, or shove them in the ribs. JUST JOKING.

It was scheduled to start at 5.30pm but, it started raining at 4, and continued till 5. I received a message from my coach that the match is cancelled. I was...so disappointed.

But 10 mins later, he called me to tell me that the rain might stop, and we would wait till 6. In deed, it did stopped. =)

The rain stopped but the court is still very wet so we collected newspapers to dry it. ( We did use the sweeper thingy but newspapers are more efficient.) The teachers were already there when we reached the court. All of them were so...high. High morale and all.

We started work and utilised everyone in the team to help in drying the court and guess what? The teachers didnt even offer to help, they just continued practising. Nevermind.

The match finally started at 6 plus and the whole thing only ended at about 8. Strange, it was supposed to last for 45mins max. Nevermind again.

And the final verdict is... we lose. WELL, surprisingly, they were quite good and we really did our best.

I enjoyed myself. =) Its nice doing something I like.

Signing off,
Joanne (always 17!)


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